Stacie Zabka Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Stacie Zabka

Stacie Zabka is a name that has been gaining attention in recent years, and for good reason. she was born in 17th May 1974 50 years old as of 2024. She is the wife of the famous American actor William Zabka. This has thrust her into the spotlight. Fans are eager to know more about her.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the life of Stacie Zabka. We’ll cover her education and family background. We’ll also cover her career and net worth. She’s a successful businesswoman. But, her marriage to William Zabka raises her status. So, let’s look at Stacie Zabka. Let’s find out what makes her so intriguing in entertainment.

Who is Stacie Zabka?

Stacie Zabka is someone that many people know. They started to know her because she married a man named William Zabka. William is famous because he acted in a movie that many people liked. Stacie and William have a family together with kids they love very much.

Even though Stacie didn’t act in movies like William, she is very good at being a businesswoman. She has a keen sense of business, steering the company to prosperity. People admire Stacie. She isn’t because she’s married to William. It is also because she’s great at her job and takes care of her family.

Real Name Stacie Zabka

Many people know Stacie Zabka because she is married to William Zabka, a movie star. Many people know Stacie Zabka because her husband is the movie star William Zabka. But, did you know that Stacie Zabka is her real name when she was born on 17th May 1974, her parents decided to call her Stacie.

Like you have a name that your friends and family call you, Stacie is what people call her. It’s a pretty name, isn’t it? Imagine if you were friends with Stacie, you would say, “Hi, Stacie!” when you see her. Stacie Zabka is not known because of her husband. She also has her own beautiful name given to her by her family.


Name Stacie Zabka
Date of Birth 17th May 1974
Stacie Zabka Age 50 years old as of 2024
Nationality American
Marital Status Married
Occupation Business Woman
Husband William Zabka
Zodiac sign Taurus
Children Julia Zabka, David Zabka

Stacie Zabka Early Life and Education

Stacie Zabka grew up like you! When she was a little girl. There, she learned reading, writing, and lots of interesting things, like you do. School helped her become super smart and ready to be the best businesswoman she could be. Imagine all the fun and learning you have at school with your friends and teachers. Stacie had those fun times too! She participated in outdoor games and completed her assignments with precision. We don’t know the name of her school, but we know she did her best to learn everything she could. Remember, going to school and learning every day helped Stacie grow up to be amazing at her job.

Stacie Zabka Parents and siblings.

Like you have a mom, dad, brothers, and sisters, Stacie Zabka has them too! Stacie’s parents are very special to her because they’re the ones who gave her the name Stacie. They took care of her when she was little, like your parents take care of you.

If she has brothers or sisters, they might have played together, had fun, and argued a little. Like you might with your siblings. But we don’t know their names or much about them because Stacie likes to keep her family life private. It’s like having a secret family treasure chest that only she knows what’s inside.

Stacie Zabka Boyfriend/ Husband

Stacie Zabka’s husband is William Zabka. They got married in a small ceremony, where they promised to take care of each other forever. William isn’t anyone; he’s a star who acted in a very popular movie called “The Karate Kid.” Imagine someone from your favorite movie;

that’s how excited people were about William.Stacie and William met, fell in love, and decided to start a family together. They have kids and love spending time together. They do fun things like going to parks or having movie nights at home. Stacie Zabka

The physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

When we talk about how someone looks, like their height, weight, and body shape, it’s a bit like describing a character in a story. Stacie Zabka is a real person, so we don’t talk about her looks the same way for a made-up character. What’s special about Stacie isn’t her looks.

It’s the kind things she does and how she cares for her family. Imagine you’re drawing a picture of a superhero. It’s their cape and actions that make them super, their height 5 feet 3 inches and weighing 58 kg or. So, when it comes to Stacie, it’s about her kind heart and hard work, not what she looks like.

Stacie Zabka Before Fame

Before Stacie Zabka became famous for being William Zabka’s wife, she was like anyone else. She went to school, played with friends, and had dreams of her own. Think about how you spend days playing and learning new things at school; Stacie did that too! Few people knew her at first.

Like every superhero, Stacie had her own story of becoming amazing. Before meeting William, she likely had fun days. But, she also had tough homework and cool summer breaks. So, even though we know her now because she’s married to someone famous, she has her own story of growing up, like you and me.

Stacie Zabka Career

 Stacie Zabka has appeared in a number of films and television shows, including “The Karate Kid” (1984), “The Karate Kid Part II” (1986), and “The Karate Kid Part III” (1989). Zabka has also appeared in the television shows “Growing Pains” (1985-1992) and “Saved by the Bell” (1989-1993).

In the world where grown-ups go to work, Stacie Zabka is like a superhero in the business world. Imagine being someone who makes big decisions and helps a company be its best; that’s what she does. Stacie didn’t become a movie star like her husband, William.

Instead, she uses her super smart brain to be amazing in business. Think of it like this: if a company was a puzzle, Stacie would be the one who knows exactly where each piece goes. She works hard every day to solve problems and make her company grow bigger and stronger. It’s a bit like playing a challenging game and winning, and that’s what makes Stacie’s job so cool!

Stacie Zabka Net Worth

Stacie Zabka’s Net Worth is $100,000.Net Worth means how much money someone has. Stacie Zabka and her husband, William Zabka, have a lot of money because they work hard. Stacie is a businesswoman, which means she knows a lot about how to make money by helping her company grow.

People are very curious about how much money Stacie has, but she likes to keep that a secret. It’s kind of like having a piggy bank; you know you have money saved up, but you don’t tell everyone how much is inside. Stacie and William use their money to take care of their family and do things they enjoy together.

Famous Reason

Stacie Zabka became well-known because she married a man named William Zabka. William is an actor who appeared in a big movie called “The Karate Kid.” This movie delighted audiences, catapulting William to stardom. When Stacie and William got married, many people started to know who Stacie is too.

Stacie Zabka is a talented actress and a strong advocate for breast cancer awareness. It’s kind of like when you bring a new friend to a birthday party, and now all your friends know your new friend as well. Stacie was living a normal life, but marrying William made more people learn her name. So, Stacie is famous because of the person she married.

Stacie Zabka Nationality and religion.

Stacie Zabka is from a country called America, so American and Caucasian. She was born in a place where they celebrate things like the Fourth of July. They do it with fireworks and big parties. America is a big place with people from all different parts of the world.

As for her beliefs, like if she goes to church or what holidays she celebrates, that’s private. It’s for her and her family. Like everyone in America, she can choose what she believes in and how she wants to celebrate it. American identity involves self-acceptance and confidence in personal uniqueness.

Stacie Zabka Legacy and Impact

Stacie Zabka is a special lady who shows us how important it is to work hard and take care of our families. She became more known because she married William Zabka. But, that’s not the only reason people admire her. Stacie is a wonderful businesswoman and mom.

She teaches us that we can do great things in our jobs and be there for our family too. Her life tells us that it’s good to dream and to try our best every day. Stacie’s story helps everyone understand. Being kind and working hard can make a big difference.

Stacie Zabka Future Plains

  • Stacie wants to grow her business bigger.
  • She plans to learn new things to help her work.
  • Stacie hopes to travel with her family more.
  • She wants to teach her kids about business too.
  • Making her garden even prettier is a goal.
  • Stacie thinks about starting a new hobby.
  • She plans to keep having fun with her family.
  • Stacie dreams of helping others with her skills.

Stacie Zabka Hobbies

  • Stacie likes doing fun activities in her free time.
  • She enjoys being outdoors with her family.
  • Playing games with her kids is something she loves.
  • Stacie also likes to read books when she can.
  • She finds joy in gardening and growing beautiful flowers.
  • Cooking new recipes for her family makes her happy.
  • Sometimes, she likes to paint and be creative.
  • Walking and exploring nature is one of her favorite things to do.

Interesting Facts About Stacie Zabka

  • A famous actor is married to Stacie.
  • She is a smart business lady.
  • Stacie and William said “I do” in 2008.
  • They’ve got kids who they love a lot.
  • Stacie likes spending time with her family.
  • She isn’t in movies like William.
  • Stacie loves doing her business work.
  • She became well-known after marrying William.
  • Stacie enjoys hobbies that make her happy.
  • She shows us that working hard is important.


What does Stacie Zabka do?

Stacie Zabka is a businesswoman who works hard in her job.

Who is Stacie Zabka married to?

Her husband is William Zabka, an actor famous for his role in “The Karate Kid” movie.

Do Stacie and William have kids?

Yes, they’ve got children and they love spending time as a family.

How did Stacie become famous?

Stacie became more known to people after she married William Zabka.

What are some things Stacie likes to do?

Stacie loves working in business, being with her family, and other hobbies that make her happy.

Is Stacie Zabka in movies too?

No, Stacie isn’t in movies; she focuses on her work as a businesswoman.


In the end, we’ve learned a lot about Stacie Zabka, the wife of famous actor William Zabka. Stacie isn’t known because she’s married to William, but also for her own work as a businesswoman. She forms a family with William, and they share a unified home.

Stacie demonstrates that hard work can earn you recognition. You gain acclaim by thoroughly investing in your roles as partner and parent. Remember, it’s important to follow your dreams and work hard, like Stacie did. She is a great example of being successful and caring for your family at the same time.


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