Bunny Madison Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Bunny Madison

Bunny Madison curious about the rising star in the entertainment industry, Bunny Madison? Well, you’ve come to the right place. This talented actress, model, and celebrity has been making waves with her captivating looks and impressive skills. Born on January 11, 1991, in Saint Paul, Minnesota, Bunny has been blessed with striking features that make her stand out.

With her birthday just a few months away, she will turn 33 in 2024. As a Capricorn, Bunny is ambitious, determined, and hardworking – qualities that have helped her succeed in her career. Her golden hair and emerald eyes only add to her charm and beauty. So, let’s dive into the life of Bunny Madison and uncover all the facts and figures about this stunning personality.

Who is Bunny Madison?

Bunny Madison is Great Actress. Bunny Madison is like a shining star in movies and on TV! She acts, models, and even makes cool videos. Imagine dressing up as different people every day. You go from princesses to superheroes. That’s what Bunny does! She grew up in a friendly town and always loved playing pretend and sharing stories.

Bunny is also a bit like a fairy because she loves animals and wants to make the world a happier place. Plus, she’s super good at making people smile with her fun videos online. Bunny is not about looking pretty; she’s about doing what she loves and helping others. Imagine having a friend who’s always ready for an adventure, that’s Bunny Madison for you!

Bunny Madison


Name Bunny Madison
DOB January 11 in 1991
Age 33 years
Country America
Net Worth $250,000
Profession Model and content creator
Height 5 feet 5 inches
Weight 57 kg

Real Name Bunny Madison

Amanda Johnson is the true name of Bunny Madison. she might sound like a name from a fairy tale book, but guess what? It’s her real name! Bunny Madison’s name is magical. It’s like how Peter Pan flies in Neverland and Cinderella dances at the ball.

When she was born, her parents looked at her and thought, “She’s as cute as a bunny!” So, they named her Bunny Madison. It’s a name that sparkles like she does on TV and in movies. Bunny loves her name because it’s unique, like her.

Imagine having a name that reminds everyone of something happy and hoppy! That’s Bunny Madison for you. Her name is as special as her twinkling smile. She has dazzling adventures on screen.

Bunny Madison

Early Life and Education

Bunny Madison attended an arts-focused high school from an early age. she grew up in a small, cozy town called Saint Paul. It’s a place where everyone knows each other, kind of like a big family. When Bunny was a little girl, she went to a school near her house. She loved going to school.

She got to learn new things each day. Like reading books full of adventures and doing fun math puzzles. Bunny was a great student. She always raised her hand to answer questions. Bunny Madison also liked to help her friends understand tricky stuff. She also loved art class, where she could paint and draw all her dreams on paper.

Bunny’s favorite part of school was when she got to act in school plays. She pretended to be princesses and heroes, shining bright on stage. School was a magical time for Bunny, filled with learning, playing, and dreaming big!

Bunny Madison

Parents and siblings.

Bunny Madison parents, John and Susan Madison. she comes from a family that’s like a cozy blanket, filled with love and smiles. She has a mom and a dad who are always there to cheer her on, like the biggest fans at a soccer game. They taught her to be kind and to share her toys when she was little.

Now, she shares her big heart with the world. Bunny also has a brother or a sister, kind of like having a built-in best friend at home. They used to play dress-up and pretend to be superheroes, saving the day before dinner time. Her family is very important to her.

They’re like the secret ingredient in a recipe that makes everything better. They laugh, play, and dream together, making Bunny’s life a beautiful adventure.

Boyfriend/ Husband

Bunny Madison keeps her heart matters very private, like a secret garden. She believes some things are like treasure maps. Keep them close and don’t share them with the whole world. Bunny thinks that love is like a beautiful storybook, filled with magic and mystery.

She says that if there’s ever someone special in her life, like a prince from fairy tales. She would want to make sure they laugh and have fun together. They should be like best friends. Bunny dreams of sharing adventures. They want to bake cookies for picnics and dance in the living room to their favorite songs. But for now, she focuses on her career, pets, and hobbies, making every day a fun adventure on its own.

The physical appeal: height, weight, and figure

Bunny Madison has a look that makes everyone turn their heads! She is the right height 5 feet 4inchees and weight is 57 kg not too tall and not too short, perfect for being on TV and in movies. Bunny keeps herself healthy, which means she eats lots of yummy fruits and veggies to stay strong and fit.

Her body is like a fairy tale princess’s. This makes her look great in the fancy dresses she wears for modeling. When Bunny smiles, it’s like the whole world lights up! She takes good care of herself by doing fun exercises, like dancing around to her favorite songs. Bunny knows it’s important to be happy with how you look, and she sure is a great example of that!

Bunny Madison

Before Fame

Before Bunny Madison became a star, she was like any other kid. She grew up in a small town with her family and went to school every day. Bunny loved to play dress-up and pretend she was in a movie or a fairy tale. She also liked drawing and making crafts. She filled her room with colorful pictures and creations

Bunny was always making her friends and family laugh with funny stories and jokes. She liked to sing and dance when no one was watching, dreaming of being on a big stage. Even as a little girl, Bunny knew she wanted to be in movies and on TV. She worked hard at everything she did, always with a big smile on her face. Bunny’s journey to fame started with these small steps, dreaming big and having fun every day.


Bunny Madison is an American actress, model, and celebrity . Bunny Madison’s job in the world of movies and shows is super cool! She started acting in small parts, but soon everyone saw how amazing she is. Bunny acts in big movies. She gets to pretend to be different people, from superheroes to princesses.

She also works on TV shows, making people laugh and sometimes even cry because she is so good. When Bunny isn’t acting, she is modeling. This means she wears beautiful clothes and takes pictures for magazines. People love to see her because she looks like a fairy tale come true.

Bunny also makes fun videos that lots of people watch on the internet. She teaches us that if you love doing something, you can get good at it. She did this with acting and modeling.

Net Worth

Talking about Bunny Madison’s net worth is like trying to count how many stars are in the sky—it’s a big number! Bunny has been in many movies and TV shows. She also models, so she gets to wear fancy dresses and take pictures. All this work helps her earn money.

Plus, Bunny makes fun videos and shares them on the internet, where lots of people watch them. This also helps her get some money. Even though we don’t know the exact amount of Bunny’s net worth $3 million , it’s safe to say she has saved up a lot from all her hard work.

She allocates part of her funds to pet care and animal welfare. Bunny’s talent and kindness help her earn and save money, making her net worth as amazing as she is!

Bunny Madison Famous Reason

Bunny Madison is super famous because she’s awesome at being in movies and TV shows. People everywhere love watching her. She always makes them smile and feel good. Bunny also models. She gets to wear pretty dresses and stand in front of cameras. They take photos for magazines and big posters.

She looks so beautiful that everyone wants to see more of her! Plus, Bunny is great at sharing fun videos and pictures online. She talks and plays, making many friends want to follow her and see what she does. She also has a big heart for animals and helping people, which makes her extra special to everyone who knows her.

Legacy and Impact

Bunny Madison is not just an actress; she’s like a superhero without a cape! She inspires lots of people, both big and small, to follow their dreams. Bunny shows us that with hard work and a big heart, you can do amazing things. She uses her fame to help animals and make the world brighter with her art and movies.

Bunny is also teaching us how fun it is to learn new things, like playing guitar or baking cookies. She’s like a star that lights up the sky, showing everyone that being kind and creative can make a big difference. Bunny’s story tells us that we can all be heroes in our own way by helping others and spreading happiness.

Future Plains Bunny Madison

Make more movies. Bunny loves acting and wants to be in even bigger films.

Travel the world. There are so many places Bunny hasn’t seen yet. She wants to visit them and learn new things.

Help animals. Bunny loves her pets and wants to help other animals too. She plans to work with animal shelters.

Write a book. Bunny has lots of stories to tell. She wants to write a book so everyone can read them.

Learn more guitar songs. Bunny already knows how to play the guitar, but she wants to get even better.

Start a baking business. Bunny loves baking cookies. She dreams of opening her own cookie shop one day.

Hobbies Bunny Madison

  • Bunny Madison loves doing fun things when she’s not working. Here’s what she enjoys:
  • Painting pretty pictures. She likes using lots of colors.
  • Playing her guitar. She makes music that sounds nice.
  • Baking cookies. Chocolate chip cookies are her favorite!
  • Reading comic books. Spider-Man is the hero she loves the most.
  • Going to the beach. She loves the sand and water.
  • Watching cartoons on Saturday. It makes her laugh and feel happy.
  • Talking in Spanish. She knows two languages and thinks it’s fun to learn.
  • Bunny Madison has many hobbies that make her days joyful and full of fun!

Interesting Facts About Bunny Madison

  • Bunny Madison loves animals! She has two dogs and a cat at home.
  • She enjoys painting and often shares her artwork on social media.
  • Bunny can play the guitar. She learned when she was ten years old.
  • Her favorite color is pink, and she says it makes her happy.
  • Bunny loves to bake cookies, especially chocolate chip ones.
  • She is a big fan of comic books. Spider-Man is her favorite superhero.
  • Bunny has traveled to many places, but her favorite spot is the beach.
  • She also loves to watch cartoons on Saturday mornings, even though she’s all grown up now.
  • Bunny can speak two languages – English and Spanish. She thinks learning languages is fun!


What does Bunny Madison like to do for fun?

Bunny Madison loves painting colorful pictures. She also loves playing her guitar. Bunny Madison loves baking cookies. She loves reading about Spider-Man. Bunny  loves going to the beach and laughing at Saturday morning cartoons. Plus, she loves speaking Spanish. She thinks these activities are super fun!

Does Bunny Madison have any pets?

Yes! Bunny Madison has two dogs and a cat. She loves animals a lot.

Can Bunny Madison speak more than one language?

Yes, Bunny Madison can speak two languages: English and Spanish. She finds learning new languages to be exciting!

What is Bunny Madison’s favorite color?

Her favorite color is pink. Bunny says pink makes her feel happy.

What does Bunny Madison dream about for the future?

Bunny dreams about making more movies. She also dreams of traveling the world and helping animals. She wants to write a book and learn more guitar songs. She’ll even start her own cookie shop!


In our journey to know Bunny Madison, we’ve seen how she shines in movies and loves to help animals. Bunny dreams big, like making more films and traveling the world. She also has fun hobbies like painting, baking cookies, and playing guitar. Bunny is special because she brings joy with her art and cares for animals. She plans to do great things, like writing a book and even starting a cookie shop! Bunny teaches us to chase our dreams and do what we love. With her kind heart and creative spirit, Bunny Madison is sure to make the world a happier place. Let’s cheer her on as she goes on more adventures and shares her talents with everyone!


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