Robert Z’Dar Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Robert Z’Dar

Robert Z’Dar  was born on June 3, 1950 in Chicago,USA, is an American Died March 30, 2015 (aged 64) Florida, U.S.He was an American actor and film producer. He became famous for his role as Matt Cordell in the cult horror film Maniac Cop and its two sequels. His distinctive features set him apart from other actors.

It’s earned him the nickname “It’s the Chin“. He had a strong jawline and big features. Z’Dar left a strong impression on audiences. This made him a recognizable figure in horror films. Yet, there was much more to Z’Dar than his distinctive appearance. He was a talented actor with a passion for his craft. His dedication shone through in every role.

Who is Robert Zdar?

Robert Z’Dar was a movie star with a very special look. He played a superhero in a movie called “Maniac Cop.” His distinctive chin made him unforgettable and earned him the nickname “The Chin.” Robert loved acting in movies and telling stories through his character.

He was in many movies, but “Maniac Cop” made him very famous. Besides acting, Robert had many hobbies like drawing and reading. He was also happy when he was outside, walking in nature, or listening to music. Robert was a talented man who shared his gift of acting with the world.



June 3, 1950

Death date

March 30, 2015




Bodey Nuff

First medium

Be My Baby

Latest medium

Be My Baby

Real Name

Robert Z’Dar wasn’t always known by that cool-sounding name! When he was born, his parents named him Robert J. Zdarsky. It’s a pretty long name, right? He opted for a stage name, seeking memorability and simplicity.

So, he took the first part of his last name and made it cooler by adding an apostrophe to become “Z’Dar.” Like in your favorite storybooks, characters have special names. Robert created his own for his acting adventures!

Early Life and Education

Robert Z’Dar was once a little boy, like you. He was born in a big city called Chicago. When he was your age, he went to school and learned how to read, write, and do math. He also loved to play and make art. Robert was very good at making friends and playing games.

He liked to act in school plays, pretending to be knights, astronauts, and even pirates! As he got bigger, he kept learning and playing. He went to a big school called Arizona State University when he was much older. There, he learned even more about acting and making movies. He loved to learn new things, like you!

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Parents and siblings.

Robert Z’Dar grew up in a family that loved and supported him.His father name is Robert Cyril Zdarsky.mother Neme Dolores Marie Herman. He had parents who cared for him a lot. His dad worked hard every day, and his mom was very kind, always making sure Robert was happy and healthy. Robert wasn’t an only child; he had brothers and sisters too!

Like you might play games, tell stories, or argue with your siblings. Robert did the same. They all shared many fun times together, creating happy memories. His family was a big part of his life, helping him become the kind person and amazing actor we’ve known.

Boyfriend/ Husband

Robert Z’Dar was private about his love life. He didn’t talk much about who he loved in the way grown-ups sometimes do. Few stories show him as married. Or about him having a boyfriend or girlfriend. He liked to keep that part of his life to himself, like some people like to keep their favorite toys a secret.

Robert thought it was important to keep some things for himself. So, we don’t know much about this part of his life, but that’s okay. Everyone has things they like to keep special for themselves.

The physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Robert Z’Dar was a very tall man, much taller than most people you see walking down the street. Imagine looking up and seeing someone as tall as your school’s basketball hoop! That was Robert. He also had a big, strong body, like a superhero you see in comic books or movies.

And, of course, there was his famous chin, big and bold, making him look like a real-life action figure. His special look helped him become a famous movie star. Every person has something special about how they look. Robert’s Height 6 feet′ 2 inchees and weight is 88 kg strong body, and big chin were his superpowers.

Before Fame

 Robert Z’Dar became a famous movie star, he was a regular boy with big dreams. He liked to act in school plays, where he could pretend to be different characters. Robert also enjoyed drawing and spending time outside, playing with his friends.

He was very good at making up stories and loved to share them with anyone who would listen. Even when he was little, Robert knew he wanted to entertain people and make them happy. He worked hard in school. He always practiced acting. Robert Z’Dar hoped that one day his dream of being in movies would come true.


Robert Z’Dar loved acting in movies. He became a star by playing different characters. One of his biggest roles was as a police officer named Matt Cordell in a movie called “Maniac Cop.” People all over the world saw him act in this movie and its sequels.

Robert didn’t act in scary movies; he also played parts in funny movies and action stories. He worked with other actors and movie makers to tell exciting tales. Through his movies, Robert showed how brave, funny, and kind he could be. He made lots of movies to share stories with us.

Robert Z’Dar Net Worth

Robert Z’Dar worked in many movies.his net worth is $5Million. He got paid to pretend to be characters, like the superhero in “Maniac Cop.” When people work, they earn money for what they need and want. Robert’s hard work in acting and making movies helped him earn money too.

Peeking into someone’s piggy bank isn’t nice. But it’s believed that Robert made a lot of money. He was in lots of films. This money helped him buy things he needed and do fun hobbies he enjoyed, like drawing and hiking in nature.

Robert Z’Dar Famous Reason

Robert Z’Dar became famous. He played a superhero cop named Matt Cordell in a movie called “Maniac Cop.” But, this wasn’t any movie. It was a special, scary movie that lots of people loved. Matt Cordell was a big hero in the story, and Robert did an amazing job acting as him.

That’s why when people think of “Maniac Cop,” they think of Robert. His role in this movie and the other “Maniac Cop” movies made him very popular. People remembered him because he was so good at being a hero in these stories.

Robert Z’Dar Nationality and religion.

Robert Z’Dar was born in a big city called Chicago, which is in a country named the United States. That means he was American, like the president or astronauts you learn about in school! People in America come from many places. They can believe in many things.

Robert’s family came from far-flung places, making his American story unique. When it comes to what he believed in, like whether he went to church or prayed, it wasn’t something he talked a lot about. People believe in many things, and it’s okay to keep some beliefs private, for yourself.

Robert Z’Dar Legacy and Impact

Robert Z’Dar’s movies, especially “Maniac Cop,” are still loved by lots of people today. He showed us how to be brave heroes in stories. Because of his unique look and big talent, he made many fans around the world. Kids and grown-ups watch his movies and feel excited or scared, like he wanted.

Robert taught us that being different is cool and can make you stand out. Even though he isn’t making new movies, his old ones still bring joy and thrills to people. The movie world will always remember Robert Z’Dar’s big smile and bigger chin.

Robert Z’Dar Future Plains

  • Unfortunately, we can’t discuss Robert Z’Dar’s “Future Plans.” He died on March 30, 2015.
  • It’s important to remember the joy and entertainment he brought to his fans through his work in films.
  • Fans can’t look forward to new projects.
  • Instead, they can honor his legacy by watching his movies. They can also remember his contributions to film.
  • He gave memorable performances. This is especially true for his role as Matt Cordell in “Maniac Cop.
  • ” Those who enjoyed his work will always cherish them.

Robert Z’Dar Hobbies

Drawing: He liked to make pictures with pencils and colors. It was fun for him to create new things.

Watching movies: Like us, he enjoyed watching different kinds of movies. It helped him learn more about acting. – Reading books: He loved to read stories and learn new things from books. Reading was one of his favorite ways to relax.

 Hiking: Robert enjoyed walking in nature and exploring new places. It made him happy to be outside.

Listening to music: Music was important to him. He liked listening to different kinds of songs and sometimes even sang along.

Robert Z’Dar found joy in these activities. They were his way to have fun and take a break from work.

Interesting Facts About Robert Z’Dar

  • Violet gems are very pretty stones that shine in different shades of purple.
  • They hide deep in the earth, where they’ve been for millions of years.
  • People believe that violet gems can bring good luck and keep you safe.
  • Some violet gems can change color when you move them into the sun or under a lamp.
  • These gems are often used to make beautiful jewelry, such as necklaces and rings
  • Every violet gem is special, and no two are exactly the same.
  • They remind us of magical places and fairy tales with their sparkling colors.


What movies did Robert Z’Dar act in?

He was famous for playing in “Maniac Cop” movies. He was a big hero in those stories!

How did Robert look so different?

He had a very special face that people remembered because of his big chin. That’s why some called him “The Chin.

 Did Robert like to be in movies?

Yes, he loved acting! It was like playing dress-up for him but in big, exciting stories.

Could Robert draw?

Sure! He loved to draw pictures with pencils and colors. It was like magic how he made his ideas come to life on paper.

Was Robert a happy person?

Yes, he found joy in simple things. He liked reading, watching movies, hiking, and listening to music. Like us, he enjoyed doing fun stuff.


In our journey learning about Robert Z’Dar, we’ve discovered so much. From his early days to becoming a famous movie star as the ‘Maniac Cop,’ Robert’s story is like a big adventure book. Though he is no longer with us, his movies let us see his talent and big smile.

He loved drawing, watching films, reading, hiking, and music. Remembering this reminds us that he enjoyed simple joys, like us. By keeping his memory alive, we make sure that the exciting chapters of his life story keep inspiring us. Thanks as you come along on this journey about Robert. Let’s keep exploring and learning together!


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