lily bird Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

lily bird

Lily Bird, the rising star of the entertainment industry, has captured the hearts of audiences with her exceptional performances in recent films like “The Northman” and “Disappointment Blvd.” With her natural talent and captivating screen presence, the 15-year-old has quickly become a name to watch out for in American cinema.

But there’s more to this young actress than just her acting skills. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at Lily Bird’s net worth $200,000–$300,000, age 15 year, height 5 feet 2 inches, weight 48 Kg, family, and bio/wiki as of 2024. Get ready to dive deeper into the life of this talented and inspiring young woman who is set to make a significant impact in the world of entertainment.

Who is lily bird

Lily Bird is a young girl who loves to act in movies. She lives in a sunny place called Los Angeles, and she was born there too! Lily has been in movies where she gets to play make-believe and dress up as different characters. She has been The Maiden King and Samanda in her movies.

She is American actress. Lily goes to school like other kids and has fun learning and playing with her friends. She loves to paint, read stories, and play with her dog. Lily shows everyone that even if you are young, you can do big things if you try hard and have fun!

Real Name lily bird

Lily Bird’s real name is actually the same as what we call her – Lily Bird! Just like how some of your friends might have cool names that sound like they come from stories, Lily’s name is special too. It’s the name her mom and dad gave her when she was born.

Sometimes in movies, Lily can have different names, like being called The Maiden King or Samanda. But no matter what name she uses in movies, she’s always Lily Bird in real life. Isn’t it fun to think about having a name that sounds like it comes right out of a fairy tale?

Stage Name Lily Bird
Real Name Lily Bird
Profession(s) Actress
Birthday 2009
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Lily Bird Age 15 years
Gender Female
Birthplace Los Angeles, United States
Hometown Los Angeles, California, United States
Nationality American

Early Life and Education

Lily Bird grew up in a sunny place called Los Angeles, which is in California. It’s a place where lots of movies are made! Ever since she was really little, like you, Lily loved to act. She would play pretend, being a princess or a superhero, and her family loved watching her.

When she wasn’t pretending, Lily went to school just like other kids. She learned to read, write, and do math. She also made lots of friends and they would often play and imagine together. School was fun for Lily because she loved learning new things and meeting new people.

Parents and Siblings

Lily Bird father, name Joseph William Parker Bird and mother name Bertha Hargreaves. Lily Bird has a loving family who supports her acting dreams. Her mom and dad are always there for her, cheering her on at every movie she makes. They help her remember her lines and practice for auditions.

Lily also has a brother or sister (we’re not sure how many or their names) who play with her and keep her smiling when she’s not on set. They enjoy playing games, watching movies together, and sometimes they even act out scenes from Lily’s movies for fun. Her family is very important to her and they love spending time together.

lily bird

The Physical Appeal: Height, Weight

Lily Bird is just like any young girl growing up, but she also works in movies! She’s not too tall and not too short, just the right height 5 feet 2 inches or weight is 48 Kg for a girl her age is 15 years. We don’t know exactly how tall she is or how much she weighs because those things change as kids grow.

Lily has a smile that lights up the room and she’s always in great shape because she loves to stay active. Whether she’s dancing around or playing with her dog, she’s always moving. Lily doesn’t talk much about her height or weight because she knows it’s how she acts and treats others that really matters.

Before Fame

Before Lily Bird became a star in big movies, she was just like any other kid. She loved to play pretend, imagining herself as a princess or a hero in her own stories. Lily enjoyed spending time with her friends and family, playing games, and having fun.

She always liked to perform, putting on little shows for anyone who would watch. Sometimes, she would act out her favorite movie scenes or make up her own. Even before she was famous, Lily loved to make people smile with her performances. She was always dreaming of being on the big screen, and she worked hard to make that dream come true.

lily bird


Lily Bird started acting when she was very young. Her first big movie was “The Northman” where she played The Maiden King. Imagine being a princess in a big, exciting story! Then, she was in “Disappointment Blvd.” playing a character named Samanda. Lily Bird is Modle and Actress.

Think about getting to pretend to be someone else and having fun doing it! Lily gets to wear cool costumes and meet lots of interesting people on set. Acting is like playing make-believe, but for Lily, it’s also her job. She goes to different places, sometimes even magical worlds, through her movies.

Net Worth

Lily’s estimated net worth is $200,000–$300,000. Lily Bird is doing really well for herself, especially since she’s just a kid! Imagine having a piggy bank, but instead of pennies and dimes, it’s filled with lots of money because you acted in big movies. That’s kind of like what Lily has, but even bigger!

People are curious about how much money she has made from acting in movies like “The Northman” and “Disappointment Blvd.” While it’s hard to know the exact number, it’s safe to say she’s saved up a good amount. She gets money for being in movies, and because she’s so good, she might even get more roles that pay her.

Lily Bird Famous Reason

American actress Lily Bird is famous for her work in “The Northman” (2022) as The Maiden King and “Disappointment Blvd.” Lily Bird is known by a lot of people because she is a very talented actress, even though she is still very young.

She played important roles in big movies like “The Northman” and “Disappointment Blvd.” People noticed her because she did a really good job in these movies. Lily shows everyone that you don’t have to be grown up to do amazing things. She works hard and loves what she does, which makes her stand out. 

Lily Bird Nationality And Religion

Lily Bird was born in Los Angeles, California. This means she is American . People from America can have many different beliefs and ways of celebrating what is important to them. Lily, like everyone else, might have her own special beliefs.

Sometimes, people go to places like churches, temples, or mosques to celebrate these beliefs. Lily’s family might have their own traditions that they follow. It’s cool to learn about how different people live and what they believe. Just like Lily, we all come from different places and can have different ideas.

Lily Bird Legacy and Impact

Lily Bird is a young actress who is already making a big splash in movies. With her roles, she shows other kids that they can follow their dreams, no matter how big they are. She’s like a shining star, proving that hard work and love for what you do can make you do great things.

Lily also wants to help animals and share happiness through dancing and making videos. She’s more than just an actress; she’s an inspiration. Kids and grown-ups watch her and think, “I can be brave and chase my dreams too!” Lily’s story tells us to dream big and try our best.

Lily Bird Future Plains

  • Lily wants to act in more movies. She dreams of being in a superhero film one day.
  • She hopes to visit different countries for her movie roles. Lily wants to see the world.
  • Lily plans to learn new things. She might try directing or writing stories.
  • She wants to keep making her friends and family proud.
  • Lily also dreams of helping animals. She might start a project to help pets without homes.
  • She’s excited to learn more dances and share them with everyone.
  • Lily looks forward to making more fun videos and sharing her adventures.

Lily Bird Hobbies

  • Lily loves to paint pictures. She uses bright colors to make happy scenes.
  • She enjoys reading books. Fairy tales and adventure stories are her favorites.
  • Playing with her dog in the park makes her very happy. They run and play catch.
  • Lily likes to dance. She dances to all kinds of music in her room.
  • Making fun videos for her friends is something she does for fun. She pretends to be different characters.
  • She collects stickers from all over the world. Lily loves to see the different designs.
  • Cooking with her mom is special. They bake cookies and cakes together.

Interesting Facts About lily bird

  • Lily was born in 2009.
  • She lives in Los Angeles.
  • Lily acts in movies.
  • She played in “The Northman.”
  • She was Samanda in “Disappointment Blvd.”
  • Lily turned 15 in 2024. – She loves acting a lot.
  • Lily has fun hobbies.
  • She believes in dreaming big.
  • Lily is like a superhero in movies.


Q: How old is Lily Bird?

A: Lily Bird is 15 years old.

Q: What movies is Lily Bird in?

A: She is in “The Northman” and “Disappointment Blvd.”

Q: Where was Lily Bird born?

A: She was born in Los Angeles, California.

Q: Does Lily Bird like to act?

A: Yes, Lily loves acting very much!

Q: What does Lily Bird like to do for fun?

A: Lily enjoys doing her hobbies, but we didn’t talk about which ones she likes best here.

Q: Can anyone become an actor like Lily Bird?

A: Yes, if you work hard and believe in yourself, you can achieve big dreams like Lily.


Lily Bird has quickly become a bright star in movies, making many people smile and feel happy when they watch her act. At only 15 years old, she has shown that she’s very talented and can do great things in her movies like “The Northman” and “Disappointment Blvd.”

Lily loves acting, and she also enjoys spending time doing her hobbies. As she grows up, we can’t wait to see what new stories she will tell us on the screen. Lily Bird is not just an actress; she is like a superhero in movies, showing everyone that you can achieve big dreams if you work hard and believe in yourself.


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